Tuesday, January 8, 2008

My Sacrament at Carmelite Monastery 2005

When I was a Baby,

quite often

I was wondering why the Bible was kept in side the Show Case.

No one told me anything about This Wondrous Bible.

"I am curious."

"I am curious."

I was three.

And I was wondering what that Book is all about and why no one read it to me.

Somebody please. I want to know.

It's written in letters.

I could not read yet.

I waited and waited.

Kindergarten did not teach me much

but A..B..C..D...>--->....Z.

I knew that was a message from God with my Father's Name on it.

Wow My Father believed in God. I should be too.

I'm glad I did.

God found me and carry me over his shoulder

and love me until I turned into love.

Unfortunately, I wasn't taught how to speak Heaven language.

I would ask My Father to read me a story.

"Well lets see...Gee..EE..End..EE..Sis"

Thank you so much Daddy.

He found me.



Jesus Christ

My Savior

Jesus said, "Blessed are those who did not see, and yet believed"(Jn.20:29).

Carmelite Monastery

5158 Hawley Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92116-1934

My Godmother Shawna Me and My Priest Father Kevin Sweeney.

When I was drowning, they came and saved me.

You are in my heart and in my prayers forever and ever.

Bless the Lord for loving me and turned me into Love.

Thank you very much Sisters of Carmelite Monastery San Diego.

The daughters of St. Teresa of Avila who profess an allegiance to

Jesus Christ

The Most Beautiful Nuns in the World.

I love you and I am Gratefully Thankful for all you have done.